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- --------------------------------------------------------
- System Requirements:
- --------------------------------------------------------
- IBM PC or 100% compatible, VGA graphics card
- 2 Megs of RAM
- 16 Megs free on the hard disk
- Microsoft 100% compatible mouse and driver
- EMM386 or other EMS memory manager
- MSDOS 3.30 or later
- Recommendations:
- Sound Blaster or 100% compatible sound card
- 386 40Mhz or faster
- MSDOS 5.00 or later
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Troubleshooting:
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Your system must either load EMM386 or another memory
- manager that provides access to EXPANDED memory. The
- program requires a minimum of 2 Megs, but will use up
- to 8 Megs if it is available.
- CONFIG.SYS Example:
- Your mouse driver must be loaded prior to running the
- game. This is normally done in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
- If you are using a Sound Blaster compatible or if you
- have a non-standard Sound Blaster installation, you
- must insure that the "SOUND" and "BLASTER" environment
- variables are BOTH properly set in the AUTOEXEC.BAT
- file.
- Example:
- SET BLASTER=A220 I5 D1 H5 P330 E620 T6
- If your system does not use the standard Sound Blaster
- FM driver (SBFMDRV) you will need to modify the batch
- file (CH2.BAT) to load the proper driver.
- In all cases, the BLASTER environment variable is
- required for proper sound operation.
- If you run this software under windows and experience
- problems, run the game in a "pure" DOS environment.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- To Play Yendorian Tales Book I Chapter 2 (Ver 1.10):
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Contents:
- 1. Overview
- 2. Character Creation
- 3. Using the existing party
- 4. Using the mouse or keyboard
- 5. Icons
- 6. Conversations
- 7. Battle / Magic
- 8. Manipulating items
- 9. On-line Cluebook
- 10. Recent History
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Overview
- --------------------------------------------------------
- After loading the game and watching the introduction,
- you can create your characters by selecting the
- "Character Creation" option. After creating the characters
- you need to "Assemble A Party", then "Enter the Game".
- Be sure to save your game when presented with the disk
- panel, otherwise if you die, you will have to create
- your party again.
- The goals of the game are to create a four character
- party, get rid of all the monsters, use and sell items
- that you find, and talk to all of the people and do
- what they ask of you.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 2. Character Creation
- --------------------------------------------------------
- The options will appear on the left side of the screen
- with the character and its statistics appearing on the
- right side. The options may be selected with a left
- mouse click or a "hot key" (the orange letter).
- The player's attributes will range from 45 to 60. When
- "picking" up items, left click an item and left click
- again to drop it on the player or back on the left side.
- See the manipulating items section (#8) for specifics.
- Character Classes:
- Fighter- 100% Fighter
- Merchant- 50-75% Fighter 25-50% Thief
- Rogue- 100% Thief
- Monk- 100% Cleric (Wisdom is important)
- Alchemist- 75% Cleric 25% Wizard (WIS and INT)
- Paladin- 50% Cleric 50% Fighter
- Mage- 100% Wizard (Intelligence is important)
- Druid- 75% Wizard 25% Cleric (INT and WIS)
- Marksman- 50% Wizard 50% Fighter
- Attributes:
- The most important things to watch when creating your
- characters are slashing, bashing or polearm, and
- projectile. The attributes which make up your Health
- and Magic points are also important (Stamina and
- Intelligence or Wisdom, or both).
- STRength- determines how much weight you can carry
- DEXterity- in battle, the person with the highest
- dexterity goes first
- STAmina- decides the number of health points
- INTelligence- establishes the number of magic points a
- wizard type will have
- WISdom- magic points for cleric types are based
- on this attribute
- CHArisma- determines number of bonus points in
- training (up to 15)
- DAMage- damage of equipped hand to hand weapon
- ABSorption- total absorption of equipped armor.
- Skills:
- Survival- the party's average determines how much you
- know about a monster in combat
- Projectile- accuracy used when shooting projectiles
- Slashing- accuracy used when equipped with a slashing
- type weapon (dagger)
- Bashing- accuracy when using a bashing weapon (club)
- Polearm- accuracy when using a polearm (staff)
- Casting- accuracy when casting a spell
- Mapping- party average is used to determine if the
- overhead map can be used and how much
- information is displayed on the party map
- Navigation- the party's average establishes the range in
- which transportation can be used
- Once you have entered the world, the following skills can
- be highlighted by clicking with the mouse. Otherwise, you
- will be asked who will perform each function when the time
- comes.
- Bartering- the higher this skill, the more you profit in
- transactions with a shop
- Repair- used when repairing broken items
- Thievery- used when picking locks or diffusing traps
- Linguistics- translates foreign languages
- Chemistry- used when converting ore with a brown potion
- Items:
- You should give everyone a SLING and use them at every
- opportunity in the game. The DAGGER should only be
- equipped on those characters that have a slashing skill
- higher than their other fighting skills. The CLUB is
- for bashers and the STAFF for those with a good polearm
- skill.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 3. Using the existing party
- --------------------------------------------------------
- If you want to play the game without creating your own
- party, do the following:
- Go to "Assemble a Party"
- Click the portraits to preview the characters
- "Check" the four bottom characters if you want them
- Click "Done"
- Enter the Game
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 4. Using the mouse or keyboard
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Left click
- select icons, options, etc.
- select graphs and bubbles
- spend bonus points (in training)
- pick up items
- drop items
- Double left click
- on portrait- display the statistics
- on item- displays a description
- on spell- will cast the spell
- on clue book list- select that line
- Right click
- use an item
- repair a broken item
- in the playing area it uses what you are standing on
- talk to an NPC (tables and beds)
- on portrait- toggle display of one inventory panel
- Double right click
- on portrait- toggle display of all inventory panels
- Keyboard keys
- Cursor UP- move forward
- DOWN- move backward
- LEFT- turn left
- RIGHT- turn right
- Ctl-LEFT- step left
- Ctl-RIGHT- step right
- "A" attack
- "C" cast spell
- "D" disk icon
- "K" uses the keyring (if you have it)
- "M" uses the party map (if you have it)
- "P" toggles all player panels
- "R" rest (1 food per person needed)
- "S" shoot projectiles
- "T" uses the hourglass (when you have it)
- "1-4" character HP, MP and weight
- "F1-F4" character statistic panel
- "F5" toggles map window
- "F8" On-line clue book
- "SPACE" uses the space you are standing on
- casts highlighted spell
- selects clue book option
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 5. Icons
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Four buttons located on the right side.
- The first icon is used to "SHOOT" or "ATTACK".
- The second is used to "CAST" magic.
- The third is used to "REST" (1 food for each person).
- The last is used to access the "DISK" panel.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 6. Conversations
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Initiated by right clicking on a table or bed.
- Keywords are listed in yellow on the top of the panel,
- responses are shown on the lower part of the panel.
- At the end of the conversation, any key or click will
- close the panel.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 7. Battle / Magic
- --------------------------------------------------------
- When a monster is directly in front of you, "SHOOT" it
- with your projectiles. When in hand to hand, "ATTACK"
- with your hand to hand weapon.
- Spells are used to damage monsters or heal characters.
- If a spell is invalid now, it will be "grayed out".
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 8. Manipulating items
- --------------------------------------------------------
- Equipping items:
- helmets on the head area
- armor on the chest area
- gloves on either hand
- rings on either circular slot
- leggings on the lower body
- boots on the foot area
- projectiles on the slot to the left of the head
- containers on the slot to the right of the head
- weapons on the slot to the left of the legs
- shields on the slot to the right of the legs
- Containers:
- drop item onto a closed container
- "USE" the container to open it
- "USE" an open container to close it
- containers can be placed in any of the 8 upper slots
- containers can also be placed inside other containers
- Dropping on the portrait:
- The item will be placed in the first available
- appropriate slot. (Dropping a sword on a player without
- a weapon would equip the sword.)
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 9. On-line Cluebook
- --------------------------------------------------------
- You can press "F8" at any time to use the cluebook.
- The shareware version of the cluebook contains limited data
- on maps, monsters, spells, items, and a walk through.
- --------------------------------------------------------
- 10. Recent History
- --------------------------------------------------------
- - Book I -
- During your first adventure in Yendor, a challenge from
- the governors sent you into the mines and forests to battle
- the evil monsters that seemed to be growing more and more
- numerous. Zamora, Dean of the Athaneum, had been working
- for many years on a solution to the problem...a magical orb,
- which he would present to all of Yendor.
- During the ceremony, an invisible intruder took possession
- of the orb, which caused Zamora to fall into a catatonic state.
- Your job was now to track down the mysterious culprit and
- return the orb.
- Through the course of your journey you met with members of
- the "Society of Wizards". They sent you on precarious quests
- to find ingredients that, when mixed together, would diffuse
- the power of the orb and separate it from its captor.
- After many courageous battles, you finally came face to face
- with the dark-souled being that had taken the orb and used it
- to wreak havoc on Yendor. This evil wizardÆs name...Paltivar.
- Before you could destroy him, the members of the "Society of
- Wizards" informed you that Paltivar was once one of them, but
- he had chosen a darker path of magic.
- Now the wizards were faced with a dilemma. Because of an
- ancient agreement, they could not kill Paltivar. So, with
- their combined power, they banished him into time itself.
- With the orb back in the presence of Zamora, he was revived.
- And with his gratitude you became one of the greatest heroes
- that Yendor has ever known.
- And so the story continues...